Thursday, August 2, 2007

Resistance is futile

This is my second last day at work. My replacement has left and so now when I leave, there will be no one doing my job. My supervisor wanted me to stay for another week but NO, I won't. It's too bloody tiring. And I have academic briefings and FTB next week. Impossible to drag on anymore.

I started selling the Domino cards at my workplace. And I have to say that the response is far from lukewarm(in the positive sense). I have sold 19 cards already! Though that's far from the 100 cards Richard wants us to sell, it is still something spectacular. I mean I could never sell anything like charity tickets to my family and friends and the NKF card I hand up only had $5 which I myself contributed. Muahahaha. I am going to attack some other colleagues later and also tomorrow when I leave and go pass them small presents.

I was persuading this colleague of mine to buy one domino card and the guy "who always looks at me" came to talk to this colleague. She asked him if he wanted to donate and then after I explained to him the purpose of the donation for 3 seconds, he took out his wallet and wanted to donate! For other people, I probably have to talk for 30 seconds, but he was so nice to save me from talking and donated! OMG, there are nice guys around! But I was more eager to sell to this other colleague who wanted 5 cards. So, I told him that I will give him the card when I go back to my desk. He didn't appear after that! However, I decided to be thick-skinned and went to pass the card to him. Well, luckily, he had already prepared his $2 in his shirt pocket. :)

I am going to teach tuition again later. I think that the kids are driving me up the wall and I get pissed every single lesson.

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