Sunday, August 5, 2007

Why this?

Seriously, I don't mind going to sing. I mean I have a WONDERFUL voice! :) But I think I will be embarrassed to go with people that I am unfamiliar with. Like some people in my DOD group. I have no idea whether anyone will get offended if they see this post. I am OK with almost everyone but I am not comfortable with singing infront of the two uncles. It's so bloody wierd. HAHA. But I have learnt to be sporting after going to uni. Like I will do stuff that I normally will reject. I think I am extremely open-minded already.

Did I mention the pervert asked many people to go to his birthday party? Including me? I haven't replied him but maybe his birthday is over already? MUAHAHAHA.

I just remembered something. My friend told me that one of our common friends love to boast that her family is rich. Like her parents can go to this art gallery and just buy a picture that's worth a few thousand dollars. I am in an extremely unhappy mood as I can't sleep at this hour. Here's what I think. SHUT UP! BLOODY IRRITATING THING! That's nothing to be proud and haughty about just because your parents do nothing but waste money. What's wrong with their brains? What's wrong with yours? My brain is a fuzzy mess and I think I can't stop talking crap. I happen to look down on you. I think so many other people have so much to boast about. My parents can go out and buy pictures too but they happen to understand that the money can be used on stuff more important like our education, well-being and our happiness. Not viewing or aesthetic pleasure. Bloody shallow things. I think I won't be so angry if she hadn't told my friend with the hidden motive of boasting. It's their own business, none of mine. I have priceless pictures on the walls of my house. They are family portraits. PRICELESS, heard me?

I think I have to get used to life being unfair, because she's on a bloody scholarship to the UK. And what makes me fuming mad and bitter is that her results are not as good as mine. This doesn't make sense. I didn't even get a single call to go down for interviews for overseas scholarships. I don't want to criticise these organisations but please don't mislead people like me. You know how much time I spent writing essays? You know how much hope I held? You know how much it hurt to let those go? If you never planned for people like me(without any S paper) to get a chance. Write it into your requirements: If you don't have any S paper, don't apply to prestigious organisations like ours. HQ is right. People who don't deserve the scholarships are getting them. Don't try and make me see that it's because I don't have an impressive CCA record. I gave it my all. I just didn't deserve it in their eyes.

And I am quite sure she did quite a bit of publicity for me. Because a senior from my CCA in my first 3 months JC knows my results. And he tells me that everybody in my CCA knows. Well, well, at least I got that. I feel like some kind of Cinderella where everything turns out right. That sucker school is totally worth my criticisms. I was probably kind of infamous. I mean I was the only person who didn't get into the school after CCA appeal. And I only knew about it on the last day. YEA YEA, I get the last laugh. I have to mention this. All my vengence is coming back. I put in so much effort and hard work to master the pieces learnt to play them well and I get kicked out because my E Maths did not get A1. And I got B3 for A Maths. So I didn't fit the Science stream according to the totally country pumpkin principal. Well, since you have already left the school, I can't send you any letters showing you my triumph. And did I mention, my conductor promised to put in a good word for me and to help me but I never heard from him ever again.

I think I go mad when everyone is asleep and when the whole house is quiet.

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